A New Job!

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD . . .  (Jer 29:11)

I know that verse.  I’ve watched God work out plans for me and my family time and time again.  And yet, it still sometimes takes my breath away when God gives me more than I could ask or imagine.

You see, when we moved back to BC, Kevin was stepping into a new role in the familiar world of consulting engineering.  But I didn’t have a job lined up – nor could I really look for one right away, since I had plans to travel with my Dad early in the new year.  So it seemed prudent to hold back, help my family settle in, and wait – at least until after my trip.

I have to admit, I was a bit worried.  You see, besides loving my job at eMi, I had loved the flexibility that came with it.  I could work around my kids’ activities and their days off. Yes, they’re teenagers and quite capable of staying at home alone for a few hours.  But you know what – they’ll be out of the house soon enough, and I’m enjoying proximity while I can.  Where was I going to find a job like that?!?

Well . . . just before I was leaving for my trip, I got an email from Sandra from Impact Ministries.  Remember Impact Ministries?  The first eMi trip I took with Kevin – long before we were on staff – was to Guatemala to design a school for Impact Ministries.

At Impact Ministries in Guatemala 2005

A couple of years ago, eMi (though not Kevin) was back in Guatemala to design another project for Impact  – and Sandra, the Canadian Operations Director, actually spoke at the eMi Dessert Evening that year.  I also worked closely with her as we featured this project in our Christmas newsletter.  Since we had moved to BC, we had even attended a “Friends of Impact” event – partially because our girls are planning a missions trip there this summer with their youth group.

To condense numerous emails and skype calls: Impact Ministries might be looking for a Communications Coordinator in February. Would I be at all interested in a part-time position doing much the same type of thing as I did for eMi?

Would I be?!?  A part-time, flexible job starting shortly after I would actually be available, doing what I love to do. I’d  get to keep telling “God Stories” about another amazing ministry – one whose newsletters I’ve been reading for years 🙂  God is so good!

I had my first day last week.  I feel a little bit like I’ve jumped in the deep end, but so far I’m swimming more than sinking 😉  I’m excited and exhausted, and my brain is full – I’ve met wonderful staff and volunteers in person, by skype and by email,  and I’ve immersed myself in all sorts of communications-type stuff.  We’ve got some priorities set and I definitely  won’t run out of things to do!

At the Impact Ministries Office

I’m still in awe of how God put this all together, and I’d appreciate your prayers as I settle into this role.  And fair warning: between my new job and the girls’ upcoming mission trip, you’ll be hearing more about Impact Ministries around here 🙂

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