4 Months

It’s been almost 4 months since we moved back to BC.  What have I learned?

  • That there are some boxes that will never get unpacked
  • That you should check inside the microwave that you’re no longer using before you store it underneath the stairs
  • That moving stuff is a lot of work, but rebuilding routines and relationships is even more work
  • That teenagers don’t provide as many opportunities to meet the neighbours as preschoolers do 😉
  • That we get more snow where we’re living than downtown – and we like it that way
  • That culture shock happens even if you’re not changing countries
  • That a few good connections can make all the difference in how settled you feel
  • That relationships can come from the most unlikely sources
  • That four months really isn’t very long – and we’ve come a long ways!

The house isn’t fully put together yet, and there are pictures still waiting to be hung – but I found the measuring spoons hiding in the microwave, and the guest room has hosted company.

We’ve found a church family, and the girls are enjoying youth group and we’re getting to know people there – but I’ve also become friends with the lady whose table I bought off of Kijiji and she’s introduced me to a whole group of wonderful people . . . who would’ve thought?

The kids are settling in to school, and while it’s definitely a hard age to move, they’ve approached it as an adventure and are adapting.  Kaisa’s wrestling again, and Talia has become involved in the leadership of the Christian club at school and has just started babysitting for a parenting group . . . they’re finding their way.

Kevin’s job is going well, and he’s ended up with some projects in Fort St. John, so he’s in familiar territory.

We’ve gotten to spend time with family on both sides, and love the fact that visiting can be much more impromptu now that we’re so much closer.

As a bonus, I’ve discovered that we have fewer commitments leading into the Christmas season . . . so we can relax and enjoy things like Christmas baking and exploring the neighbourhood on cross country skis without scheduling it in ahead of time.

Thanks for your prayers as we’ve moved and settled.  Praying your December is filled with blessings, too!


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