Final Presentation went well

Well, it seems Kevin’s text messages haven’t been coming through as well anymore . . . I didn’t hear from him for a few days, and then received this text message just now:

Great presentation. Will be glad to get home though. Leaving here in 12 hours. See you soon.

But I also just talked to Kevin on the phone, and he said they’re leaving Malakal in a couple hours . . . so I can only assume the text message is a few hours old.  Kevin said my messages weren’t getting through his direction either.  Oh well . . .

It’s great to hear the presentation went well though.  That’s the culmination of the weeks’ work, and it’s usually a pretty exciting time.

I guess it’s back to praying for safe travels . . . it’s about 44 hours until Kevin is supposed to be landing back here in Calgary . . .

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